Saturday 15th March - Zone B

Trust in the Spirit: Reclaim Your Life and Transcend
Alison Dean
What lies ahead when you journey beyond your earthly existence?
Discover the profound truth that life does not end—it transforms. Embrace the richness and purpose of your spiritual life once you leave your physical body behind.
Explore insights from spirits across various walks of life as they shed light on earthly experiences and the boundless possibilities in the spirit realm.

An Insight into intuitive incense blending and our view on incense, sacred herbs, resins and woods.
Earthern Holistic
Intuitive Blending comes not from any written text or book, but more as a fusion of knowledge, feelings of truth without conscious reasoning with the underlying grounding of needs not wants."

The Positivity Pack
Amy Elizabeth
Join healer, medium and 10 times mind, body and spirit author Amy Elizabeth, as she brings you unbridled levels of energy to help you unlock your true potential, feel energised, inspired and heard. Amy will bring the light to you through sharing her positivity from her rich reads, as well as demonstrate live mediumship, bringing in positive messages to all from the 12th dimension and beyond.

Align Your Life - Posture Alignment Therapy with Quantum Touch Healing
Shuka Oils
Posture Alignment Therapy is a corrective massage that addresses the muscular imbalances caused by misaligned joints where physical stress has occurred in the body leaving the client tense and imbalanced. The approach considers the entire body rather than just the symptomatic area. Utilising Acupressure and Quantum Touch, a potent energy healing method aligned with life force energy.

Connect with your spirit guides - Workshop
15.00pm £10per person
Amy Elizabeth
Join healer, medium and 10 times mind, body and spirit author Amy Elizabeth, and learn a valuable skill set as she opens up space for you to join her on a guided journey into the 5D and beyond. Amy will help guide you into the light to connect deeply with your guides and higher self to receive your own messages. She will aid you in understanding your messages, as she also demonstrates live mediumship with you. Amy uses crystals, cards and automatic writing to help you tune in and amplify the energy (a great workshop for the creatives out there)!

Mediumship Demonstration
Simon Goodfellow
Simon prides himself on delivering heartfelt messages from Spirit Or messages using Psychometry
Sunday 16th March - Zone B

Richards Sound Therapy
Richard Hissit
Join Richard as he gives us an insight and demonstration of the planetary tubes, set to the frequency of the eleven planets plus Sirius and moon Knott. He's made and tuned the set himself, with unbelievable reaction for those who experience their sound. A workshop not to be be missed.

Exploring the Wellness Frontier
The Hemp Man
In our quest for optimal health and wellbeing, we often look beyond conventional medicine, exploring the realm of natural supplements. This talk delves into three intriguing options: CBD, medicinal mushrooms, and Shilajit, each offering unique benefits for a holistic approach to wellness.

Mel Foot
When I started using Essential Oils for my health benefits, I wasn’t aware that is more to Essential Oils and how wonderful nature is within plants but the real miracle of plants the connection of the Spiritual Vibrational elements Yes there is more to plants than just their chemistry, I have chosen some of the most common Essential Oils to inform you of the hidden Spiritual aspects of Natures Natural Healers plus we will discuss the ways of using Essential Oils and which will help you in you day to day life.
My talk is design to help you to gain more understanding and knowledge on Essential Oils and the benefits of using these powerful Natural Healers all with a little fun included

Soul Journey Numbers - your guide towards enlightenment
Source Energy Healing
How the numbers, images and power animals associated with your name and date of birth can help you move forward on your Soul Journey towards enlightenment

How To Improve Your Sleep
Guy Stevens
All of us have suffered from poor sleep at one time or another. For some it’s difficulty in falling asleep, and for others, it’s waking in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep.
This is an informative talk on how traditional herbal drinks can aid towards a fulfilling nights rest, helping us to wake up feeling refreshed.

Connect with your spirit guides - Workshop
15.45pm £10 per person
Amy Elizabeth
Join healer, medium and 10 times mind, body and spirit author Amy Elizabeth, and learn a valuable skill set as she opens up space for you to join her on a guided journey into the 5D and beyond. Amy will help guide you into the light to connect deeply with your guides and higher self to receive your own messages. She will aid you in understanding your messages, as she also demonstrates live mediumship with you. Amy uses crystals, cards and automatic writing to help you tune in and amplify the energy (a great workshop for the creatives out there)!